The Power Of Mentors

The Power Of Mentors

Podcast Show - Listen Below

Podcast Video - Listen Below

In this episode we discuss how important it is to have a mentor.

What is a mentor?

A mentor is someone who is someone who has experience (in life experience or work experience) that can give you guidance in helping you achieve what you want in your life.

They can expose you to new ideas and opportunities that you may not have been aware, they offer you support and a sounding board for you to bounce thoughts and ideas off.

Suzanne and Paul have had a number of mentors throughout their lives and share with you who helped shaped their lives into the people they have become. You never stop learning, expanding or growing.

And that is Suzanne and Paul's attitude to life. You are always learning, you are always expanding and you are always growing no matter how old you are.

This is a great episode on 'The Power of Mentors'. Who are the mentors that you have in your life?

Let us know and leave a comment below.

To your abundance,


Suzanne & Paul

(Suzanne Skillen & Paul McAneny)


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