SHOCKING: The Shame And Embarrassment - No One Told Us This

SHOCKING: The Shame And Embarrassment - No One Told Us This

Podcast Show - Listen Below

Podcast Video - Listen Below

Have you ever in your life had a curve ball thrown at you?

Well this for us was three strikes and you are out! For both of us this was our third time we had absolutely lost everything we owned. Our home our wealth our everything!

Now it's easier to deal with the massive loss when you are in your thirties and forties. You still feel like you have time to rebuild, but for us, we were 60 years old. We couldn't believe that this happened.

We were in total shock!

The company we were working with was literally there one day and the next completely shut down and abandoned. 

This was the curve ball we were thrown. We didn't even see it pass the plate, nor did we even get an opportunity to swing at it. We had no clue. No one told us this was going to happen. It was absolutely devastating for us and our people who worked in the business with us.

This was the year that everything just went so wrong;

  • Suzanne had a debilitating accident.
  • We had lost all our income, home and lifestyle.
  • And we were losing hope.
  • We felt so much shame.
  • We felt so much embarrassment.
  • Our friends said to us 'we told you so!'.

Suzanne had to ask an ex-boyfriend for a loan and then the shame she felt when she had to ask her adult daughter for financial support.

Suzanne was a very proud mother and woman. She had brought both her children up, sent them to private schools and then getting to this point in her life at the age of 60 asking for help from those who were closest was shameful.

We feared that we were going to end up homeless and walking the streets with our belongings in a shopping trolley.

We are truly grateful however that we had each other. We still believed in each other. We still had confidence in each other. We had the right mindset. We didn't let what happened to us to define us. We didn't become a victim of our circumstance.

How did we go from losing everything at 60 to now in our early seventies living with the best health and financial security?

We have saved that for you in this podcast.

Better get out your notebooks as there are many lessons about loss and how to rebuild when you question whether you can do it again?

We wish to give you the hope and that to never give up on yourself.

Do not be a victim of circumstance and don't let your past events dictate your future.

Please leave a comment below about what you liked best about what you heard today that would be fantastic.

To your abundance,


Suzanne & Paul

(Suzanne Skillen & Paul McAneny)


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